I've noticed here on Newgrounds that there is a Flash version of Portal. Its also on Armor Games.com. And so I ask this, why not make a flash version of Fallout1,2, or 3? I know, I know, the art to the Fallout series was unique to the game and the very PC's it was used on. But, to fit an entire RPG into flash takes time and a lot of modification.I'm not going to make it because I have no idea how to create flash games, that and my computer runs slow enough without adding more crap onto it besides Halo 1,Doom 3, Fable 1,Prince of Persia:Warrior Within, and Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne. But if anybody is starting a Fallout: Flash Version leave a message at this post.
I forgot to mention this, if you could make it about The Pitt (Fallout 3 expansion pack) or any other expansion packs. Here's a list of them
Expansion Packs
Operation: Anchorage
The Pitt
Broken Steel
Point Lookout
Mothership Zeta-Mothership Zeta is a new expansion pack that involves the Alien crash site that is located in Fallout 3. Its between Old Olney and a Power Station. Go to fallout.wikia.com to find the crash site.